Continental Vanco 2 Tyres Available in Great Barr

Continental Vanco 2


Vanco 2

More information

  • Perceptible car-orientated handling.
  • Excellent wet braking performance.
  • Outstanding protection against aquaplaning.

Car-like handling.

  • Our Vanco 2 design has created a comfortable and effective driving experience. A solid tyre shoulder provides vehicle-oriented handling.

Excellent wet braking performance

  • Thanks to a mechanism similar to a windscreen wiper, our Vanco 2 offers optimal grip on the road surface in wet conditions by effectively evacuate water from under the tyre.

Outstanding protection against aquaplaning

  • Our Vanco 2 has a tread design that maximises the evacuation process of the water from under the tyre. Our tyre disperses water from the contact area for outstanding aquaplaning protection.

Sorry, we currently do not have any tyres with the Vanco 2 pattern in stock.
Contact us to see if we can order these in for you.